Amenorrhea: What Causes It | Shilpy Hospital

Amenorrhea: What Causes It | Shilpy Hospital

Your period may cease due to physical changes that occur naturally. For instance, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, women stop having periods. Amenorrhea may have a wide range of causes and risk factors. Sometimes there is no known cause.

The following are some causes and amenorrhea risk factors:

1. Low body weight: Women who regularly engage in vigorous activity or who significantly reduce their body weight run the risk of developing hypothalamic amenorrhoea.

2. Drug-induced: In a healthy woman, some drugs, particularly those used as contraceptives, can cause amenorrhea. Menstruation normally stops soon after starting a medicine, and it might take up to a year for it to start again after ending one.

3. Hormonal imbalance: The hormonal imbalance is a significant contributor to amenorrhea. The thyroid and pituitary glands typically control this. Amenorrhea is a condition caused by low oestrogen levels and high testosterone levels.

4. Physical flaws: According to Dr. Shilpy Khanna, anatomical issues with female reproductive organs might cause amenorrhea. Birth abnormalities, cancers, and infections are examples of physical flaws.

Signs of Amenorrhea

  • Gaining or losing weight
  • Breast enlargement adjustments or creamy discharge
  • Hair loss and acne

What are the options for treating amenorrhea?

According to Dr. Gaurav Khanna, women with some kinds of amenorrhea who want to try to get pregnant may be good candidates for assisted reproductive technologies and the prescription of gonadotropin medicines (drugs that encourage follicular development in the ovaries).

Among the many medical remedies for amenorrhea are:

  • Drugs that affect hormones, such as birth control pills
  • Substitute for oestrogen
  • Medications for PCOS

Amenorrhea surgery options could include:

Removal of non-cancerous pituitary tumour removal of uterine scar tissue.


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