Safe Pregnancy Advice | Shilpy Hospital

Safe Pregnancy Advice | Shilpy Hospital

1. Consume real foods

For the body, food is fuel. Foods that are whole are nourishing. Everything you eat will be given to your unborn child. Consider that. Because your diet directly affects another human being—your unborn child—during pregnancy, it matters more than it ever has.

Consume food that is as close to its natural state as you can. A huge selection of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, meats that have been raised on grass rather than grain, eggs, dairy products, purified water, clean fish—you get the idea.

2. Take a multivitamin for pregnant women

A whole food prenatal multivitamin is advised to ensure you are obtaining all the essential nutrients required to maintain you and your unborn child. According to Dr. Shilpy Khanna, meals in the modern world are notably deficient in all the essential nutrients the body requires to maintain life, let alone two lives.

3. Daily Body Movement

Your body will be changing shape, weight, and size more quickly than at any other period in your life. Staying grounded, strong, and flexible will be made possible by regular movement and exercise. These are crucial components required for childbirth, the rigours of breastfeeding, and parenthood. Moreover, exercise reduces stress.

4. Reduce and Convert Stress

I urge expectant mothers to learn how to convert and deal with stress as it occurs since, given the environment we live in today, it can be very difficult to keep stress at bay. Yeah, it would be nice to set out some time each day to establish a practise to reduce stress, or what we term stress management, but I think that stress may just come on during pregnancy more than it might at any other point in life.

5. Drink more water

Bring filtered water in a water bottle with you wherever you go. According to Dr. Gaurav Khanna, drinking at least 10 full glasses of water each day will help you stay hydrated, prevent motion sickness, and maintain healthy levels of amniotic fluid.

6. Let your body serve as a guide

Listen to what your body is trying to tell you. This is crucial during pregnancy more than ever. Compared to previous times in life, there will be more stress, hunger, and extreme feeling. Rest if you're feeling fatigued. Eat if you're hungry. Drink more water if your braxton hicks contractions increase.

7. Have a strong sense of gratitude for relationships

Your current relationships can change after you become a mother. Perhaps you already have children, but this pregnancy is your first. After the baby is here, all the relationships you now have might change. This is a completely typical occurrence and aspect of life. When you are deeply grateful, respectful, and honouring of your current relationships, it is incredibly useful to go with the flow of life because everything changes.


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