Salpingitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment | Shilpy Hospital

Salpingitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment | Shilpy Hospital

What is salpingitis?

An instance of pelvic inflammatory illness is salpingitis (PID). An infection of the reproductive organs is referred to as PID. When dangerous germs enter the reproductive tract, it develops. According to Dr. Shilpy Khanna, chlamydia and gonorrhoea are two examples of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) that commonly cause salpingitis and other types of PID.

The fallopian tubes become inflamed as a result of salpingitis. As inflammation can quickly migrate from one tube to the next, both tubes may be impacted. Salpingitis can have long-term consequences if it is not treated.

What signs are present?

Not every affected lady will suffer symptoms of this illness.

In the presence of symptoms, you might feel:

  • Stench in the vaginal discharge
  • Pain during menstruation, ovulation, or sex spotting between cycles, along with yellow vaginal discharge
  • Dull lower back discomfort
  • Stomach ache nausea

This syndrome can be chronic, lingering for a long time with little to no symptoms, or acute, coming on abruptly with severe symptoms.

Who is at risk for this ailment, and what is the cause?

Salpingitis is typically brought on by bacterial infections contracted through vaginal contact.

You might be more vulnerable if you:

  • Possess a STI
  • Have several sexual partners, engage in unprotected sex

How is it identified?

See a medical professional straight away if you have salpingitis symptoms to lower your risk of complications.

Tests on blood and urine. These examinations will search for signs of infection.

Do a vaginal and cervix swab test. The kind of bacterial illness you might have will be determined by this.

Abdominal or transvaginal ultrasound. These imaging examinations examine the reproductive tract, including the fallopian tubes.

What types of therapies are offered?

To treat the bacterial infection, your doctor will prescribe oral or injectable antibiotics. Moreover, your sexual partners will need antibiotics. Urge them to undergo a STI test. The infection will return to you if you recover from the virus but have sexual contact with a partner who hasn't received treatment.

Your doctor may conduct laparoscopic surgery to empty the abscess if the infection has done so.

Your doctor can advise surgery to remove the affected areas if the infection has led to the formation of scars or adhesions. If you want to have a baby later, your doctor is more likely to advise surgery.

Your doctor will undertake surgery to drain the fluid or remove the fluid-laden area if your fallopian tubes are filled with fluid.

Are there any potential problems?

Salpingitis has consequences that can develop if it is not addressed, including:

The spread of infection to the uterus, ovaries, and other body organs; persistent pelvic and abdominal pain; scarring, adhesions, and obstructions in the tubes; and abscesses in the fallopian tubes.


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