Laparoscopic gynaecology | Shilpy Hospital

Laparoscopic gynaecology | Shilpy Hospital

Open surgery is an alternative to gynaecological laparoscopy. It examines your pelvic region with a laparoscope. Often, a large incision is necessary for open surgery.

A thin, illuminated telescope called a laparoscope. Your doctor can view into your body thanks to it. You can find out if you have diseases like endometriosis or fibroids with a diagnostic laparoscopy. It may also serve as a sort of therapy. Your doctor can perform a range of procedures using little tools. Among these include hysterectomy, tubal ligation, a surgical method of contraception, and the treatment of ovarian cysts.

Gynecologic laparoscopy causes

The use of laparoscopy can be for both diagnosis and treatment. Sometimes a diagnostic process results in treatment.

These are a few causes for diagnostic laparoscopy:

  • Discrete pelvic pain
  • Unaccounted-for infertility
  • Pelvic infection history

Laparoscopy may be used to diagnose the following conditions:

  • Uterine fibroids and endometriosis
  • Ovarian tumours or cysts
  • Pelvic adhesions, ectopic pregnancy pelvic abscess, or painful scar tissue
  • Infertility
  • Inflammation of the pelvis
  • Malignancies of the womb

Many laparoscopic procedures include:

  • Hysterectomy, or uterus removal
  • Ovaries are removed
  • Cysts in the ovaries removed
  • Removing the fibroids' blood supply blockage

Recovery after laparoscopy

Nurses will continue to check your vital signs once the surgery is over. Up until the anaesthetic wears off, you will remain in recovery. You won't be allowed to go until you can relieve yourself. One potential negative side effect of catheter use is difficulty urinating.

Variable recovery times. Depending on the surgery that was carried out. A few hours following surgery, you might be able to leave for home. Moreover, you might need to spend one or more nights in the hospital.

Your abdominal button may feel sore after surgery. The area of your stomach may have bruising. Your shoulders, waist, and chest may hurt as a result of the gas you are carrying. Also, there's a possibility that you'll experience nausea the rest of the day.

Your doctor will provide you with information on how to handle any potential side effects before you leave for home. Your physician might suggest painkillers.


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